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Star Wars - Episode I
The Phantom Menace / Die Dunkle Bedrohung

CD Cover
:  PC
, Illegal TOC & Unreadable Errors / SecuROM
Cover Target
The Phantom Menace v1.0 [ENGLISH] No-CD #1 02-07-1999
Click to Download!   Instructions & Picture [28 KB]
Play Instructions:
  • Go into the registry and go to this path:
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC\The Phantom Menace\v1.0\
  • Edit the Analyze Path and exchange the CD-ROM drive-letter for the harddisk drive letter.
  • Edit the CD Path and change it into GameDir path (e.g. c:\The Phantom Menace).
  • Edit the Source Dir and change it into:  .\
  • Edit the Source Path and change it into:  .\
  • Copy the GameData directory fro the CD to the Game Directory.
  • Play the Game.
NOTE: If the launch program asks for to insert the CD in the CD-Rom player or whatever, just run the wmain.exe from the Phantom Menace GameDir location.

Check the included picture of the registry settings to see if everything is edited correctly.

The Phantom Menace Misc Files 21-06-1999
Click to Download!   Die Dunkle Bedrohung v1.0 [GERMAN] CD-Copy [1 KB] - Moses
The Phantom Menace v1.0 [ITALIAN] No-CD #1 21-06-1999
Click to Download!   Patch [686 KB]
Play Instructions:
  • Install the game - Full Installation.
  • Create the following directory in the game directory:   Gamedata
  • Copy the following directories from the CD into the Gamedata directory:
    • Gobs [Voice.lab]
    • Level [All Files]
    • Movie [All Files]

    This is in total 650 Mb!
    If you don't want music delete the music Dir
    If you don't want Movies or Speech don't copy the Dirs
    Fully ripped the game will have only 145 MB

  • Extract the File Archive to a temporary directory.
  • Copy the TPM.EXE executable to the game directory (overwriting the current file).
  • Modify the Fantasma.reg so the PATH (d:\\Fantasma) is pointing to the game directory.
  • Execute/Double-Click the Fantasma.reg file
  • Start TPM.EXE and Configure your hardware and play the game without the CD.
The Phantom Menace v1.0 [FRENCH] CD-Copy/CD-Info 14-06-1999
BeeZ KilleR
Click to Download!   Archive [6 KB]
Language FRENCH
CD Volume Label lamenacefan
Data track sizes 1 Track & 1 dummy Track
Audio track sizes 2 Tracks
Total Capacity 76:47:60
Protection OverSized, Illegal TOC & Unreadable Errors
Main Executable -
CD-Reader HP 8100i
CD-Writer HP 8100i
Software Nero 4 & CDRWIN 3
CD-R Media Arita CD-R80
Instructions Read the CD-Copy instructions included in the archive.
Die Dunkle Bedrohung v1.0 [GERMAN] CD-Copy #2 13-06-1999
JK.MBit '99
Click to Download!   Patch [670 KB]
CD-Copy Instructions:
  • Create the following temporary directory:
    • TempDir#1 : C:\TEMP\CD
  • Copy the full contents of the CD to TempDir#1 except for these files:
    • CD.IDX
  • In a DOS-Box copy the the MENACE.DAT & BIG.Z to the <TempDir#1>\GAMEDATA\GOBS\ directory. The BIG.Z file should be 225.120.256 Bytes.
  • To be able to burn the temporary directory the BIG.Z file must be downsized using the included HexEdit:
    • Open the BIG.Z file.
    • Press Ctrl-G and go to Offset 115476393.
    • Press [Shift] + [Ctrl] + [End] to mark die rest of the file.
    • Press [Del] and click OK to delete the rest of the file.
    • the last byte (Hex18) will not marked in this way.
    • mark the byte before the last (Hex9F).
    • delete this byte.
    • Overwrite the last byte (Hex18) with Hex9F.
    • save the file to harddisk

    The size of BIG.Z should now be 115.476.393 bytes.

  • Replace the original TPM.EXE & LAUNCHER.BMP files with the one from the Archive.
  • Burn the contents of TempDir#1 to a 80 minutes CD-R and use this CD-Label:  DIEDUNKLEBEDROHUNG
  • Play the Game!
Die Dunkle Bedrohung v1.0 [GERMAN] CD-Copy #1 13-06-1999
Viper [ECS]
Click to Download!   Patch [60 KB]
CD-Copy Instructions:
  • Create the following temporary directory:
    • TempDir#1 : C:\TEMP\CD
  • Copy the full contents of the CD to TempDir#1 except for these files:
    • CD.IDX
  • Copy the \GAMEDATA\GOBS\MENACE.DAT file using a HexEditor to <TempDir#1>\GAMEDATA\GOBS\ 
    to get the real filesize (11.565.056 Bytes)
  • Install the game from the original CD (minimum installation will do) and copy the file BIG.LAB (120.859.357 Bytes) to <TempDir#1>\GAMEDATA\GOBS\\GAMEDATA\GOBS
  • The game may now be uninstalled as it is not needed anymore.
  • Copy the Patch to: <TempDir#1>\INSTALL\
  • Execute the Patch to remove the Filesize Check during setup.
  • Remove the Patch as it is not needed anymore.
  • Burn the contents of TempDir#1 to a 80 minutes CD-R and use this CD-Label:  DIEDUNKLEBEDROHUNG
  • Play the Game!
The Phantom Menace v1.0 [FRENCH] No-CD #1 12-06-1999
Static Vengeance
Click to Download!   File Archive [335 KB]
Play Instructions:
  • Install the game - Full Installation.
  • Create the following directory in the game directory:   GAMEDATA
  • Copy the following directories from the CD into the GAMEDATAdirectory:
    • Gobs [Voice.lab]
    • Level [All Files]
    • Movie [All Files]
  • Extract the File Archive to a temporary directory.
  • Copy the TPM.EXE executable to the game directory (overwriting the current file).
  • Modify the TPM.REG file so that the PATHS (d:\\PhantomMenace) are pointing to the game directory.
  • Execute/Double-Click the TPM.REG file to update the windows registry.
  • Start TPM.EXE and Configure your hardware and play the game without the CD.

The directories Gobs, Level & Movie are about 650 Mb in size. To make a smaller:

  • If you don't want music delete the MUSIC directory.
  • If you don't want Movies or Speech don't copy the Dirs

Fully ripped the game will have only 145 MB

The Phantom Menace v1.0 [US/ITALIAN] CD-Copy #1 05-06-1999
Click to Download!   US Executable [354 KB]
CD-Copy Instructions:
  • Create the following temporary directory:
    • TempDir#1 : C:\TEMP\CD
  • Use BlindRead to copy the full contents of the CD to TempDir#1.
  • Remove the Read-Only attribute from WMAIN.EXE:  attrib -R WMAIN.EXE
  • Copy the WMAIN.EXE file to the TempDir#1 directory, replacing the original file.
  • Burn the contents of TempDir#1 to a CD-R and use the same CD-Label as the original CD.
  • Play the Game!
NOTE: The Italian version is protected by a new SecuROM version. The latest Generic SecuROM Patch 6.0 doesn't seem to work.

The US version is not protected, it has been compressed with Petit to avoid the usual installation problems.

These instruction should also work for the other language versions.

The Phantom Menace [SPANISH] CD-Info 05-06-1999
Language SPANISH
CD Volume Label Laf
Data track sizes 1 Track
Audio track sizes <None>
Total Capacity 699 MB (79:28.22)
Protection OverSized, Illegal TOC & Unreadable Errors
- Errors at 94 % of the CD
Main Executable TPM.EXE [827.392 bytes]
CD-Reader Teac CD-R56S
CD-Writer Teac CD-R56S
Software Nero Burning Rom
CD-R Media NoName CD-R80
Instructions The Phantom Menace 1:1 CD-Copy - [29-05-1999]
The Phantom Menace v1.0 [GERMAN] No-CD #2 29-05-1999
Click to Download!   File Archive [335 KB]
Play Instructions:
  • Install the game - Full Installation.
  • Create the following directory in the game directory:   Gamedata
  • Copy the following directories from the CD into the Gamedata directory:
    • Gobs [Voice.lab]
    • Level [All Files]
    • Movie [All Files]

    This is in total 650 Mb!
    If you don't want music delete the music Dir
    If you don't want Movies or Speech don't copy the Dirs
    Fully ripped the game will have only 145 MB

  • Extract the File Archive to a temporary directory.
  • Copy the TPM.EXE executable to the game directory (overwriting the current file).
  • Modify the Bedrohung.reg so the PATH (d:\\Bedrohung) is pointing to the game directory.
  • Execute/Double-Click the Bedrohung.reg file
  • Start TPM.EXE and Configure your hardware and play the game without the CD.
The Phantom Menace v1.0 [GERMAN] No-CD #1 29-05-1999
Viper [ECS]
Click to Download!   File Archive [2 KB]
Play Instructions:
  • Create the following temporary directory:
    • TempDir#1:  C:\TEMP\SWE1
  • Copy the full contents of the original CD to TempDir#1.
  • Use a HexEditor to copy the BIG dummy files to the correct directory in TempDir#1 (or use BlindRead to do the job).
  • Extract the File Archive to TempDir#1.
  • Execute the PATCH.EXE patch to remove the CD-Check.
  • Install the game from TempDir#1.
  • Play the Game!
NOTE: The total size of TempDir#1 will be more than 1 Gb! The CD.IDX can be deleted but this "only" save 200 Mb.
The Phantom Menace [GERMAN] CD-Info 29-05-1999
SWENSKE / Darksun
Language GERMAN
Data track sizes 2 Tracks
Audio track sizes 1 Track
Total Capacity 683 MB (77:49.30)
Protection OverSized, Illegal TOC & Unreadable Errors
- Errors at 31 % of the CD
Main Executable TPM.EXE [827.392 bytes]
CD-Reader Teac CD-R55S / Pioner Slot in 32 x
- a Teac CD532S failed to copy it.
CD-Writer Teac CD-R55S
Software Nero Burning Rom
CD-R Media Traxdata CD-R80
Instructions The Phantom Menace 1:1 CD-Copy - [29-05-1999]
The Phantom Menace 1:1 CD-Copy 29-05-1999
SWENSKE / Darksun
Backup Instructions:
  • Start Nero - Burning Rom ( or higher).
  • From the action-bar choose File and select CD-Copy.
  • Use the following settings (all other settings should be left default):
Image Tab
Image file Enter a Image filename
Copy options Tab
On the fly DeSelect
Drive with source CD... Select Source CD-Reader
Read Speed 1x (150 kB/s)
Read options Tab
Number of retries before read error 10
Read media catalog number and ISCR Select
Ignore illegal TOC Type Select
Unreadable data Continue copying
Data mode 1 - Force raw reading
- If it can be changed or it is not ghosted
Data mode 1 - On errors... write uncorrected
Data mode 2 - Force raw reading Select
Data mode 2 - On errors... write uncorrected
Read audio data with sub channel Select
Use Jitter correction Select (for older Readers)
Ignore read errors Select
Burn Tab
Write Speed 1x (150 KB/s)
  • When ready click Copy CD to start the copy process.
NOTE: Use an 80 minutes CD-R or OverSize a 74 minutes CD-R to burn.

In some cases it is better to use the CD-Writer as Source CD-Reader as it is usually better able to read unreadable sectors. Keep in mind that only a few CD-Readers/CD-Writers are capable creating a CD-Image of the original CD.

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